Going on holiday and need somewhere for your pet dog to be looked after?
You’re looking for kennels in Renfrewshire.
Look no further. PetBoardings.com can help you find a boarding kennel, quickly and easily.
You could use our search feature on our home page, or alternatively click your town in the list at the bottom of this page.
You’ll be able to compare dog kennels, prices, photos etc, and we even have a reviews section, so you can check on their feedback.
It’s important that your dog has had all their vaccinations!
We’ve included a map of the area you’re searching in below
Kennels in towns in Renfrewshire
- Kennels in Bardrainney
- Kennels in Bargarran
- Kennels in Barrhead
- Kennels in Barr’s Cottage
- Kennels in Bishopton
- Kennels in Blackhall
- Kennels in Blythswood
- Kennels in Boglestone
- Kennels in Bogston
- Kennels in Bourne Court
- Kennels in Bowerwalls
- Kennels in Bow Farm
- Kennels in Boylestone
- Kennels in Braeside
- Kennels in Branchton
- Kennels in Brediland
- Kennels in Bridgend
- Kennels in Bridgend
- Kennels in Bridge of Weir
- Kennels in Broadfield
- Kennels in Brookfield
- Kennels in Broom
- Kennels in Burnhouse
- Kennels in Busby
- Kennels in Cardwell Bay
- Kennels in Carriagehill
- Kennels in Cartsburn
- Kennels in Cartsdyke
- Kennels in Cartside
- Kennels in Castlehead
- Kennels in Central
- Kennels in Chapleton
- Kennels in Charing Cross
- Kennels in Charleston
- Kennels in Clarkston
- Kennels in Clevans
- Kennels in Coppermine
- Kennels in Cornhaddock
- Kennels in Corseford
- Kennels in Coves
- Kennels in Cowdenknowes
- Kennels in Craigends
- Kennels in Crookfur
- Kennels in Crookston
- Kennels in Crosslee
- Kennels in Crossmill
- Kennels in Cross Stobbs
- Kennels in Devol
- Kennels in Dovecothall
- Kennels in Drumillan Hill
- Kennels in Dunterlie
- Kennels in Dykebar
- Kennels in Eaglesham
- Kennels in East Craigend
- Kennels in East Freeland
- Kennels in East Fulton
- Kennels in Elderslie
- Kennels in Erskine
- Kennels in Erskine Harbour
- Kennels in Fancy Farm
- Kennels in Ferguslie Park
- Kennels in Fort Matilda
- Kennels in Foxbar
- Kennels in Fyfe Shore
- Kennels in Gallowhill
- Kennels in Garnieland
- Kennels in Gateside
- Kennels in Gateside
- Kennels in Gibshill
- Kennels in Giffnock
- Kennels in Glenburn
- Kennels in Glen Huntly
- Kennels in Gockston
- Kennels in Gourock
- Kennels in Greenock
- Kennels in Greenock West
- Kennels in High Carnegie
- Kennels in Hillside
- Kennels in Houston
- Kennels in Howwood
- Kennels in Howwood Road
- Kennels in Hunterhill
- Kennels in Hurlet
- Kennels in Ladyburn
- Kennels in Laigh Park
- Kennels in Langbank
- Kennels in Levan
- Kennels in Levernside
- Kennels in Lilybank
- Kennels in Linburn
- Kennels in Lochfield
- Kennels in Lochlibo
- Kennels in Lochwinnoch
- Kennels in Lounsdale
- Kennels in Lyle Hill
- Kennels in Maukinhill
- Kennels in Mearns
- Kennels in Meikleriggs
- Kennels in Merrylee
- Kennels in Mid Auchinleck
- Kennels in Midton
- Kennels in Millarston
- Kennels in Millerston
- Kennels in Millikenpark
- Kennels in Neilston
- Kennels in Nether Kirkton
- Kennels in Netherlee
- Kennels in Netherplace
- Kennels in Newton Mearns
- Kennels in North Auchneagh
- Kennels in North Barr
- Kennels in North Clippens
- Kennels in Paisley
- Kennels in Park Farm
- Kennels in Parkhill
- Kennels in Park Mains
- Kennels in Penny Fern
- Kennels in Porterfield
- Kennels in Port Glasgow
- Kennels in Potterhill
- Kennels in Ralston
- Kennels in Ranfurly
- Kennels in Rashielee
- Kennels in Ravenscraig
- Kennels in Renfrew
- Kennels in Rossland
- Kennels in Seedhill
- Kennels in Sheddens
- Kennels in Shillford
- Kennels in Shortroods
- Kennels in Slaemuir
- Kennels in Smithston
- Kennels in Spango
- Kennels in Spateston
- Kennels in Springhill
- Kennels in Stamperland
- Kennels in Stanely
- Kennels in Tandlehill
- Kennels in Thornliebank
- Kennels in Thornly Park
- Kennels in Town Centre
- Kennels in Trumpethill